A Large Ball-of-Light Inducing a Small Ball-of-Light

This is an example of a large ball-of-light inducing a smaller ball-of-light. The electric field is represented by magenta patches. The magnetic field is represented by blue patches. For one reason or another -- there are many possibilities -- a wave has been set up that is sweeping towards the closest pole of this ball-of-light. As the wave sweeps towards the pole, the intensity of the field strength of the electric reaches a peak at the pole. The intense field induces fields just off the surface of the larger ball-of-light. In this example the field strength is strong enough to allow the fields to make a complete revolution. They curve around each other inducing a new, smaller ball-of-light


The electric fields and magnetic fields on the surfaces of the two balls-of-light do not match each other in an attractive pattern. Thus, due to mutual electromagnetic repulsion, the two balls-of-light repulse each other and the smaller particle is seen flying away from the more massive particle.

The larger ball-of-light has just 30 x 30 patches of electric and magnetic fields. The smaller ball-of-light has just 16 x 16 patches. Most ordinary balls-of-light will have thousands, millions or more patches. This is just a simplified example.