Induction of forces


Nordberg Interpretation

Traditional Interpretation

The same. If a Magnetic field is accelerated, it will induce an Electrical field.


Nordberg Interpretation

Traditional Interpretation

The same. If an Electric field is accelerated, it will induce a Magnetic field.

Electric and Magnetic

Nordberg Interpretation

Traditional Interpretation

If an Electrical field and a Magnetic field are both accelerated, the vector cross product of these two fields is an induced gravitational field.

If the Electric and Magnetic fields are in the form of a spherical standing wave, the cross product
always points to the center of the sphere.

The cross product -- E cross B equals G -- predicts "force equals mass times acceleration." If you apply a force to a spherical standing wave of electric and magnetic fields -- accelerating the standing wave in any direction -- the acceleration induces greater Electric and Magnetic fields, and thus, a greater cross product.

The cross -- product E cross B equals G -- predicts E = mc2. If an electric field is sweeping over a sphere, it induces a magnetic field at right angles.
Integrating the cross product of the two fields -- over the surface of a sphere -- is equivalent energy divided the speed of light squared -- which is equal to mass. (This is a variation of Gauss's law of gravity.)


Nordberg Interpretation

Traditional Interpretation

If you accelerate a Gravitational field, it will induce an electric and magnetic field.

There are no common everyday examples of this. However, in outer space there is an unusual type of star known as a
Cepheid variable that is an example of this.

Gravitational Induction is the key to economical Fusion energy. (
John T. Nordberg has a patent pending on a Nuclear Fusion Confinement Reactor based upon Gravitational Induction.)