Radio Galaxies

In my opinion, one of the most interesting types of galaxies, and one of the strongest arguments in favor of the Ball-of-Light Particle Model is the type of galaxy called the Radio Galaxy.

Does this look like a collapsing cloud? Or an explosion?

Where is the collapsing cloud of dust and gas here?

The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts the cores of galaxies are balls-of-light. These cores can have massive electromagnetic fields that sweep over the cores ejecting "smaller" balls-of-light. That is exactly what Radio Galaxies are -- only on a truly massive scale. Radio Galaxies can be truly immense! They have the longest structure of any galaxy. Traditional astrophysical theory totally fails to describe the mechanics of how energy is transported from the inner core to the outer lobes. The distances are too great. The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts the energy is ejected from the core in balls-of-light that are initially stable because they have such high speed, then become more unstable and decay as they slow. This creates the outer lobes of Radio Galaxies.

By the way, astronomers do not even begin to try to explain Radio Galaxies in terms of collapsing clouds of gas and dust. They are explosions. There is no doubt. The motion of the balls-of-light ejected from the cores of many Radio Galaxies has been measured and found to be outward -- not inward.

The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts all galaxies are "explosions" -- that is, decaying balls-of-light. If they really are not, then what makes Radio Galaxies explode while all other galaxies collapse? The Ball-of-Light Particle Model does not require two theories for galaxies, only one.