SS433 (A decaying ball-of-light)

Another vivid example of a ball-of-light ejecting material from its poles is the Radio Source SS433.

SS433 QuickTime Animation

I believe these image were taken with the MERLIN radio telescope array in England. It has been estimated that the "blobs" seen in this image are moving away from the core at about 0.26 times the speed of light. They are simply massive balls-of-light that are undergoing a "fizzle" type decay. The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that when these balls-of-light slow down sufficiently, they may decay explosively.

The ejected balls-of-light are probably spinning as they move away from the central core. As they rotate and "fizzle," the secondary decay products rotate causing the spectral lines to "move" about in a 162.5 day period. Alternatively, the central core could be "precessing" like a wobbling top as it ejects balls-of-light. This could create a cone of material that might cause the doppler shifting in the ejected decay products.