The symmetries of the Ball-of-Light Particle Model

Table B

Table B has 4 quadrants. Each quadrant explains the electric, magnetic, and gravitational fields for two polarizations of balls-of-light. In each ball-of-light either a magnetic field or an electric field can sweep from pole to pole over the ball-of-light. The balls-of-light can follow either the left-hand or the right-hand rule. This creates the four quadrants with two polarizations in each.

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Quadrant 1

In this quadrant, the electric field is the primary field -- it sweeps from pole to pole. The "hand" rule is the "Right Hand Rule." The top polarization is counterclockwise, the bottom polarization is clockwise.

Quadrant 2

In this quadrant, the magnetic field is the primary field -- it sweeps from pole to pole. The "hand" rule is the "Right Hand Rule." The top polarization is clockwise, the bottom polarization is counterclockwise.

Quadrant 3

In this quadrant, the electric field is the primary field -- it sweeps from pole to pole. The "hand" rule is the "Left Hand Rule." The top polarization is clockwise, the bottom polarization is counterclockwise.

Quadrant 4

In this quadrant, the magnetic field is the primary field -- it sweeps from pole to pole. The "hand" rule is the "Left Hand Rule." The top polarization is counterclockwise, the bottom polarization is clockwise.