
The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that Jupiter is a decaying ball-of-light, originally ejected by the core of the sun.

If jupiter was "dead" so-to-speak, the energy it gives off from its surface would be less than or equal to the energy absorbed from the sun -- as is the case with our moon. This is not the case. Jupiter emits 1.7 times more energy than it receives from the sun. Therefore, Jupiter has an internal energy source -- a very large energy source.

Jupiter is the primary cause of sunspots

The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that Jupiter is the primary cause of the sun's sunspot cycle.

Jupiter is very massive! Its mass is almost equal 2.5 times the mass of the rest of the planets! (The phenomena about to be described is also caused by the smaller planets, but to a lesser degree.)

Mass of Planet Relative to Earth

Jupiter's orbit is not a perfect circle. It is an ellipse. The sun is located at one of the focal points of the ellipse -- just as the sun is for all of the planets.

Because Jupiter's orbit is an ellipse, its orbital velocity is not constant. Its mean orbital velocity is 13,060 meters per second. As Jupiter reaches its closest approach to the sun -- perihelion -- its velocity increases. As Jupiter reaches its furthest distance from the sun -- aphelion -- Jupiter's orbital velocity slows down.

Perihelion is normally about 740,880,000 kilometers. Aphelion is normally about 815,920,000 kilometers. Jupiter's next perihelion is going to occur on or about 5/20-21/1999 at about 740,579,000 kilometers. This date and the following months is a very critical time for earth because the sun will become more dangerous as a result of Jupiter's close approach. Jupiter's next aphelion is going to occur on or about 4/15/2005 at about 816,283,000 kilometers.

Jupiter takes 4,332.71 earth days to make its orbit around the sun. That is about equal to 11.86 earth years. The sun's solar cycle is generally described as taking 11 years. But it ranges between 9 and 12.5 years. (See also, Novas, Gravitational Induction of an Electromagnetic Wave on the Core of a Star)

The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts the sun's core is a single object -- a decaying ball-of-light. The sun is observed to be essentially stable -- that is, it is not exploding. However, the sunspot cycle highlights how the sun's stability varies. When sunspots are peaking, the sun is much less stable. When sunspots are at a minimum, the sun is more stable. This has been verified by satellites that measure the exact amount of energy flux from the sun at any point in time. It has also been correlated to the arrival of high energy cosmic rays. This is called "solar modulation." When the sunspots are peaking, more high energy cosmic rays hit earth. When sunspots are at a minimum, few high energy cosmic rays hit earth. The earth also experienced a "mini ice-age" during the years 1650 to 1700 -- a period during which there were virtually no sunspots -- also called the "Maunder Minimum."

As the sun's core decays, it produces elementary particles by electromagnetic induction. That is, electromagnetic fields on the surface of the core induce individual particles smaller than the sun's core. (See also a large animated GIF (161K) of a larger ball-of-light inducing a smaller ball-of-light.)

The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that a ball-of-light can change from being stable to being less stable for a variety of reasons. One reason, or cause, is a changing gravitational field. If the core of a star undergoes experiences large changes in a gravitational field, then these changes can induce electromagnetic waves on the core of the star. Let me say this in a different manner. As Jupiter orbits the sun, its changing orbit induces electromagnetic waves on the core of the sun that make it less stable. These waves induce large balls-of-light. These balls-of-light bubble up through the sun's outer envelope of plasma. When the get close to the surface of the sun, they are observed as sunspots.

(For a very dramatic case of a massive planet's orbit inducing a star to be less stable see also Eta Carinae, and the example of a "death spiral.")

If this prediction of the Ball-of-Light Particle Model is correct, then it should be possible to roughly correlate the length of the sunspot cycle to the length of Jupiter's orbit. They correlate.

If this prediction of the Ball-of-Light Particle Model is correct, then it should be possible to very closely correlate the length of the sunspot cycle to the orbits of all the planets. This hasn't been done yet. (It should be possible to create a computer simulation of the total gravitational tug on the sun by all of the planets, going both backwards and forwards in history, and correlate the maximum to the known sunspot activity levels.)

If this prediction of the Ball-of-Light Particle Model is correct, then it should be possible to roughly correlate the peak of sunspot activity to the point of maximum change in gravitational attraction between Jupiter and the sun as Jupiter swings around the sun after perihelion. The next peak for sunspot activity is estimated to be about 2/2000 to 4/2000. This is just 7 to 9 months after Jupiter's next perihelion. This is such a close match to what is predicted, I claim it correlates. Remember, Jupiter's orbit takes 11.86 years. Eight months divided 142 months (11.86 * 12 = 142.32) is equal to 5.6 percent. In other words, the next peak in sunspot activity is predicted to occur when Jupiter is just 5 to 6 percent of its orbit past its next perihelion! Almost exactly when its gravitational field would most disturb the sun's core.

(In the section The Physics of Circular Motion I describe how the earth's orbit around the core of the galaxy undergoes periodic increases and decreases in its gravitational attraction. As gravity within the Galaxy increases, this will cause the eccentricity of the planets orbits to increase. In other words, as the gravitational forces between the sun and the planets increase every 200,000,000 years: their orbits will become more elliptical; these more elliptical orbits will induce greater destabilizing forces in the sun's core; the sun will undergo more sunspots, will have more solar mass ejections, and will be more dangerous. As the gravitational forces between the sun and the planets decrease every 200,000,000 years: their orbits will become more circular; these more circular orbits will induce less destabilizing forces in the sun's core; the sun will undergo less sunspots, will have less solar mass ejections, and will be less dangerous. However, this may be one of the factors that leads to Ice Ages.)

Jupiter's Charged Particles and Ions

Jupiter is a source of charged particles and ions. Current theory predicts they are from volcanic activity on the moon Io. If Jupiter's core is a decaying ball-of-light, then it is possible that Jupiter's core is still ejecting small balls-of-light that decay and explode in the atmosphere and magnetosphere. Such decaying balls-of-light would also be a source of ions particles and ions. (See also, the x-ray bursts in the sun's corona which is a similar example on a more modest scale. See also, galactic halo stars which is a similar example on a much larger scale.)

Jupiter's Electromagnetic Emission

If balls-of-light are decaying in the atmosphere and magnetosphere of Jupiter, then there should be additional radiation from these decays in the form of nonthermal emission. Sure if enough, it is there! Jupiter has nonthermal radiation in the 90 MHz to 20 GHz range.

Jupiter gives off electromagnetic radiation. It is a powerful source of radio waves.

Jupiter's "Burst" Radiation

Jupiter gives off very irregular bursts of radiation that seem to be connected with Io's orbit. This radiation is strongest at the 10 MHz frequency. The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that the core of Jupiter is mostly harmonic. However, the core is destabilized by the gravitational forces induce by Jupiter's moons and by its trip around the sun. Io is the closest of Jupiter's large moons and therefore would have the greatest destabilizing affect on Jupiter's core. When Jupiter's core becomes unstable, it ejects balls-of-light that decay -- normally in the cloudy atmosphere of Jupiter. When these balls-of-light decay, they create bursts of radiation that last several minutes to a few hours. How long the bursts last would depend on how quickly the balls-of-light would decay. The type of radiation emitted from such bursts can be, and are, very complex.

The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that Jupiter's radiation activity will increase as it passes perihelion 5/1999 and will reach a maximum in conjunction with the sun's maximum sunspot activity.

The Great Red Spot

Jupiter's Great Red Spot is often described as a giant storm in Jupiter's atmosphere. I believe it is possible that it is the result of a decaying ball-of-light that is large and harmonic.

Jupiter's Rings

The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that a decaying ball-of-light can decay in a "disk" pattern. This is caused by patches of electric and magnetic fields on the surface of the ball-of-light that spin in a nonharmonic fashion around the equator of the ball-of-light and induce new particles. These particles are ejected in a planar fashion.

Jupiter's Moon Io

Jupiter's Moon Io is the most volcanic object in the solar system. It undergoes constant gravitational fluctuations that surely churn its interior into a nonstable mass of molten lava.

Surely, all terrestrial planets must have acted this way in the early years of the solar system. Back then, the planets rotated much faster, there was greater induced gravitational forces, and these forces must have churned the cores of all of the terrestrial planets.

Creation of Jupiter's Moons

If Jupiter is really a decaying ball-of-light, then in the early stages of decaying, it could have ejected smaller balls-of-light that later cooled and became Jupiter's moons. While there is no doubt that the moons of all the planets could have been captured by gravitation, it must be pointed out that the Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts it is possible to form moons in this manner. If this is possible, and it is, it would be an extremely significant change to theory of how our galaxy was formed.